Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls

Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls

Hot Filadélfia is a mouthwatering variation of sushi rolls that originated in Brazil. Combining the flavors of traditional Japanese sushi with a twist of Brazilian flair, Hot Filadélfia has gained popularity worldwide for its delicious taste and versatility. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of making your own Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls right in your kitchen.

Ingredients Required

To make Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Sushi rice
  • Nori seaweed sheets
  • Cream cheese
  • Fresh salmon or smoked salmon
  • Avocado
  • Japanese mayonnaise
  • Soy sauce
  • Wasabi (optional)
  • Pickled ginger (optional)

Preparing the Sushi Rice

  1. Washing and Cooking the Rice: Rinse the sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Cook the rice according to the package instructions.
  2. Seasoning the Rice: In a small bowl, mix rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Gently fold the mixture into the cooked rice until well combined. Allow the seasoned rice to cool to room temperature.

Preparing the Filling

  1. Choosing the Ingredients: Select fresh salmon or smoked salmon, ripe avocado, and cream cheese for the filling. Ensure the salmon is sushi-grade for safe consumption.
  2. Preparing the Ingredients: Slice the salmon and avocado into thin strips. Soften the cream cheese to make it easier to spread onto the nori sheets.

Assembling the Hot Filadélfia sushi

  1. Rolling the Sushi: Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo sushi mat. Spread a layer of seasoned sushi rice evenly over the nori, leaving a small border at the top edge. Add strips of salmon, avocado, and cream cheese along the bottom edge of the rice.
  2. Cutting the Roll: Roll the sushi tightly using the bamboo mat, applying gentle pressure to seal the roll. Use a sharp knife to slice the roll into individual pieces, wiping the blade with a damp cloth between cuts for clean edges.

Serving and Presentation

  1. Garnishing the Dish: Top the Hot Filadélfia rolls with a drizzle of Japanese mayonnaise and a sprinkle of sesame seeds for extra flavor and visual appeal.
  2. Serving Suggestions: Serve the Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger on the side for dipping. Pair with a refreshing cucumber salad or miso soup for a complete meal.

Variations and Customizations

Philadelphia Hot Sushi Rolls

Get creative with your Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls by trying out these variations:

  • Add spicy mayo for a kick of heat.
  • Substitute salmon with cooked shrimp or crab meat.
  • Incorporate crunchy tempura flakes for texture.

Nutritional Information

One serving of Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls typically contains:

  • Calories: Approximately 250-300
  • Protein: 10-15 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 30-35 grams
  • Fat: 10-12 grams

Tips for Success

  • Use sushi-grade fish for safe consumption.
  • Wet your hands before handling sushi rice to prevent sticking.
  • Experiment with different fillings to find your favorite flavor combinations.


What is Hot Filadélfia?

Hot Filadélfia is a type of sushi roll that originated in Brazil, featuring a combination of ingredients such as cream cheese, salmon, and avocado.

Can I substitute ingredients?

Yes, you can customize Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls by substituting ingredients to suit your taste preferences.

How do I store leftover Hot Filadélfia?

Wrap leftover sushi rolls tightly in plastic wrap and store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Consume them as soon as possible for the best taste and texture.

Can I make Hot Filadélfia without raw fish?

Absolutely! You can make Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls with cooked seafood such as shrimp or crab for a delicious alternative.

How do I prevent my sushi rice from being too sticky?

Rinse the sushi rice thoroughly before cooking to remove excess starch, and ensure the rice is cooked to the right consistency. Adding a bit of rice vinegar to the cooked rice helps to prevent it from becoming overly sticky.


Now that you have the knowledge and steps to make Hot Filadélfia sushi rolls at home, it’s time to get creative in the kitchen! Whether you’re hosting a sushi night with friends or simply craving a tasty snack, Hot Filadélfia is sure to impress with its delightful flavors and satisfying texture.

Gisleini Cipriani

Gisleini Cipriani

Editora, Autora, amante de boa culinária,e de bem com a vida!